Thunder News Flash – November 21, 2020

November 20, 2020
  • Goal Setting Progress Reports

    By now your child should have brought home their Goal Setting Progress Report.  The only exceptions are those students who have just returned to school, those students still on transition, and those students who are in Grade 4.  Please provide your input into your child’s Progress Report in the Parent Comment section, sign the Progress Report, and return it to school by Monday, November 23rd.  When the Progress Reports are returned, the Classroom Teacher will then make a copy for our records, and return the original Progress Report to parents so that you have it for your records.

  • Washable Reusable Student Masks

    Each child in Grades 1 – 7 was provided with two washable, reusable masks for them to use at school, and the children in Kindergarten were provided with five washable, reusable masks.  These masks are being sent home by the Classroom Teachers to be washed, and it is very important that they are sent back to school as soon as possible.  Ideally this would be the next day so that your child has a clean mask available for use for things like buddy activities, partner/group activities, etc.  While we have a small number of disposable masks that we are able to give to students who do not have their masks at school, we do not want to be dependent on using these as in a few years our landfills will be full of used paper masks.

  • Shopfunds Gift Card Fundraiser - THANK YOU!!!

    Thank you everyone for such huge support of our Shopfunds Gift Cards Fundraiser!  We had over $50,000 in orders!!!  We hope to do this again in the spring.  Your gift cards will be ready in the pick-up lane sometime the week of November 30th – December 4th.  Once we know the exact date, we will send out an email to notify you.

  • Daily Health Check

    Just a reminder that parents are asked to complete a Daily Health Check of their children each morning before they come to school.  Please assess your child for the following symptoms:

    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Cough or worsening of chronic cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Loss of sense of smell or taste
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea and vomiting

    If your child has one of those symptoms, excluding fever, they should stay home for 24 hours from when the symptom started.  If the symptom improves, they may return to school when they feel well enough.  If the symptom persists or worsens, seek a health assessment.  If your child has two or more of the symptoms, or they have a fever, you should seek a health assessment for them.

  • upcoming-events

  • There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Sports
    There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!