Thunder News Flash – October 5, 2024

October 04, 2024
  • World Teacher Day - October 5th

    On Saturday, October 5th we celebrate World Teacher Day. Teachers play a vital role in shaping the children of the future.  The staff at St. James and St. Ann’s is extremely dedicated, caring and full of love and joy for the students they teach.  Although this day falls on a Saturday this year, please find some time to acknowledge these amazing educators! A note of encouragement and appreciation goes a long way!

  • Thanksgiving Food Drive


    Students and parents of St. James and St Ann’s Elementary.

    Starting on Monday October 7 we will be holding a food drive for the St Joseph’s Food Bank in Mission.  Your contributions would be greatly appreciated for this food drive.

    Non perishable items that are needed include:

    • Canned meat or fish
    • Coffee/tea
    • Kids snacks-granola bars, dried/canned fruit, etc.
    • Soup/stew
    • Cleaning supplies
    • Personal hygiene supplies
    • Milk alternatives like canned, powdered milk or almond milk
    • Canned beans or vegetables
    • Baby items/diapers
    • Meals in a box – pasta, rice, soup kits

    This drive will be from Monday October 7th to Friday October 11th.

    We appreciate any support that you are able to give to help those in need. As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are grateful for our many blessings and we are joyful for the opportunity to help bless others.


    From the Grade 7 Leadership Team

  • Movie Night - Coming Soon!

    📅 Thursday, Nov 7 – Movie Night!

    Join us for a fantastic evening as we gather to watch INSIDE OUT 2 on our big 16 x 9 screen! Expect plenty of snacks, popcorn, and fun. It’s the perfect chance to relax and enjoy a fun-filled movie night with our wonderful school community.  Movie night will be held on Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, as there is no school on Friday, Nov 8th.

    Follow this link for more details  –    Movie POSTER (Print 11×7 Color) – Inside Out 2

    Stay tuned for more exciting details coming soon!


  • Comfort Kits and Id. Tags - due now

    In the first week of school, your children brought home two important items to help us with our emergency planning.  The first was a Ziploc bag with a list of the items required to create a personalized “comfort kit” for your child, and the second was their Id. tag to either complete or update.  Please note that these two items are now overdue.  Please return these items back the the school ASAP.  The comfort kits will then be taken out to our shipping container next week where we store our emergency supplies, and the Id. tags will be placed in the classroom emergency backpack.  Thank you for helping us ensure that we are prepared in the event of an emergency.

  • Rainy Weather Clothes

    We are committed to taking the students outside as much as possible, but we need your assistance.  Please ensure that your children have good outdoor footwear, preferably boots, on days when it is rainy.  While umbrellas seem like a good solution for the rain, they create problems when the students are running around, as well as lining up.  The people around them often get soaked from the water running off of them, and accidentally hit with the edges.  A good waterproof jacket with a hood is a great investment to help us with our “Wet Coast” weather. 

  • Sports

    St. James and St. Ann’s school offers a variety of fun sports and events. The dates of upcoming practices include:


    • Monday, October 7th – 2:40-4:00PM – Grade 4/5
    • Tuesday, October 8th – 2:40 – 4:00pm. – Grade 4/5
    • Wednesday, October 9th – Soccer Game vs. Cornerstone (tentative) 3:00-4:00pm  – Good Luck Team!


            • Monday, October 7th – 7:45-8:20am – Grade 6/7 Girls 
            • Monday, October 7th – 2:40-4:00pm – Grade 6/7 Boys and Girls 
            • Tuesday, October 8th – 7:45-8:20am – Grade 6/7 Boys
            • Tuesday, October 8th – 2:40 – 4:00pm – Grade 6/7 Girls
            • Thursday, October 10th- 2:40 – 4:00pm – Grade 6/7 Boys
  • Playground - Closed during School Hours

    We want our school playground to be a fun and welcoming place for all our students and families to enjoy.  However, during school hours, the playground is for school use only.   Classes may come out to use the playground at any time during the day, or there may be an emergency drill.  Having younger children on the playground or adults on site that a teacher does not recognize during the school day can become a safety concern.  Our highest priority is the safety of all our students! 

  • upcoming-events

  • Sports
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!