
  • Class Overview


    This year, your child will be learning from a French program, called Histoires en action! This program has proven to be a revolutionary new approach to second language instruction. It is based upon the use of stories and music for the teaching of French. Specifically designed stories that are written in the form of plays become the focus for a range of motivating language activities that help students develop confidence and competence in the language as they progress through each story unit.

    This approach allows language development to be supported and nurtured within the familiar, predictable context of a story that is the focus for the unit’s work. Music is integrated with the story, and in each unit of this program, students will learn to perform a play and song to accompany that play. The vocabulary has been carefully selected and essential for students during the initial stages of their language learning.

    Another component of this program is the Gesture Approach, a technique that uses hand signs to help students learn and remember this important vocabulary found in the plays, songs and other activities. There is an equal, strong emphasis on the development of all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) through a program that meets the needs of all language learners and their learning styles. Activities are varied, so that students have the opportunity to work individually, in partners, in small groups, and as a whole class.

    I am looking forward to a great year! Mr. Sorley


    Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (ADST) is an experiential and hands-on class that focuses on making and doing through creativity, play, and problem-solving. Students engage in a wide range of activities that give them opportunities to engage their natural curiosity while developing skills. Students will begin to learn about and employ the design process and develop prototypes, iterations, and final products.

    Students will start out by designing a Rube Goldberg-type machine using their imagination and then attempt to build it using free or upcycled materials. When they begin a new project, they often will be encouraged to bring free or upcycled materials from home if they have access to them. Throughout the year we will be designing and making physical products as well as digital. Design and doding software will sometimes be used.

    Students are always encouraged to find ways that excite their imaginations, both in and beyond the classroom. Students may find that they are interested in designing or building something at home so, with parent permission, they should definitely “try this at home!”

    I am looking forward to a great year!

  • French Teacher

    • Mr. Michael Sorley
      Grade 3, French & ADST

      Mr. Michael Sorley

      Grade 3, French & ADST

      Mr. Sorley received his Bachelor of Education from Simon Fraser University and a Bachelor of Arts from Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California. Prior to teaching, Mr. Sorley worked for 11 years as an Educational Assistant in the CISVA. He has been teaching at St. James and St. Ann’s School since 2020. He is grateful to be a part of this wonderful community and is excited to be teaching French and Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST). Mr. Sorley is also teaching Grade 3 on Mondays and Tuesdays this year.