What do you want of me, Lord?
Whenever our students represent our school at sporting events, on field trips, or anytime that they wear their uniform, we know that they will represent our school well. Since the beginning of the school year a small group of very dedicated students have been meeting once a week after school and once a month on Saturdays as part of our First LEGO League team. Today these students and their parents are in Victoria participating in the big competition at St. Margaret’s School. For those of you who attended our Open House on Wednesday you may have had the opportunity to hear them talk about their very creative solution for bone density loss in astronauts – making foods using cricket flour which is very high in calcium, vitamin B12 and protein. You may even have had a chance to sample cookies made using cricket flour. When we ask the question “What do you want of me, Lord?” in regards to our school students, this team of hardworking, creative and well spoken young people are a shining example, and answer this question very well. We wish them well as they compete, and hope they inspire other students at our school!
Premier's Awards for Excellence in Education
St. James & St. Ann’s School is blessed to have an absolutely amazing staff – if you agree with this, why not consider nominating exceptional teachers, principals and support staff for a chance to win one of the 2019 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education. These awards were launched last year, and no independent school staff members were nominated. We hope you will consider changing that for 2019! The Awards recognize all outstanding education professionals who have made exceptional contributions to benefit their school, students and their communities. This year, Awards will be given in the following categories:
- Community Engagement
- District Leadership
- Extracurricular Leadership
- Indigenous Education
- Outstanding New Teacher
- Outstanding Support (School Community)
- Outstanding Support (Teaching Assistant)
- School Leadership
- Social Equity and Diversity
- Technology and Innovation
Nominations are now open and are welcomed from all BC citizens, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, trustees and community organizations. The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2019. For more information, please see the poster on the Parent Board at the school, or visit the website, where you can also find the nomination forms, by clicking here.
Open House Thank You
Our Open House on January 30th was a great success! We had many wonderful comments from new families and existing families about how well the evening went, and how the school has many exciting and innovative things to offer. Thank you so much to the staff who worked hard to showcase the talents of our students, to the classroom helpers who were enthusiastic and engaging, and to our school ambassadors who were excellent models of what we expect from St. James and St. Ann’s students. We have an excellent school and should be proud of this!
Save The Date
It is time for Spring Cleaning during Spring Break!
Who: This is a great opportunity for families who are unable to meet the required number of parent participation hours in their task group and want to avoid paying a penalty.
What: Sort, organize and dispose of items in the garage storage.
When: Saturday, March 16th – Monday, March 18th. Shifts are available in the morning, daytime and afternoon.
Where: The big storage shed by our parking lot.
Why: Our garage storage is in desperate need of a cleaning.
These shifts will count toward your parent participation hours! Online Sign Up sheet coming in next week’s News Flash! If you have any questions contact Erika by clicking here.
Jeans Day - Monday, February 11th
On Monday, February 11th we will be having a Jeans Day to raise money to support the following archdiocesan charities – the Men’s Hostel, the Prison Ministry, Refugee Sponsorship, and The Door is Open. We hope that all students and staff will participate in this fundraiser, and wear jeans to school on February 11th. This is a dress down day and students who participate do not have to wear any pieces of their uniform; however, the jeans and tops that they wear must be appropriate. That means no jean shorts, no ripped or torn jeans, no tops with inappropriate sayings and no spaghetti straps. Students who are not participating in this fundraiser need to come to school in their school uniform. Students and staff who participate in this Jeans Day are asked to bring a loonie or a toonie to donate to these very worthwhile charities. If you would like more information about how these different charities support those in need, please click here. We hope everyone will participate!
Remind App
For those parents who have signed up for the Remind App group and have Bell or one of their subsidiaries as their provider, there is good news. Bell has reversed their charges regarding the Remind App text messages, and you will still be able to receive the texts sent from the school. Unfortunately, Rogers has not changed their position, and so any parents who have Rogers or one of their subsidiaries as their provider will no longer be able to receive the Remind text messages. If your provider is Rogers you can download the Remind App and turn on push notifications in order to still receive the school’s messages. The instructions to do this can be found in Remind’s Help Center.
Parent Support Meeting
St. James & St. Ann’s School will be hosting a Parent Support Meeting entitled “Sexuality and Your Child” for all parents whose children are in Grades 4 – 7 on Wednesday, February 13th. The meeting will begin with prayer and a brief opening session in the gym at 6:45pm, and then sessions with content specific to each one of the intermediate grades will take place in the classrooms with speakers from Signal Hill. This is a mandatory meeting for parents only; however, we will be providing free babysitting for toddlers to school-aged children. Information was sent home to families in the intermediate grades last week, so hopefully you all received your invitation.
Money Management and Estate Planning for Families
How do we stick to our monthly budget? How can we manage debt? Do you really need a will? Join St. Ann’s Family Group on Thursday, February 7th at 7:00pm in St. Ann’s gym for a presentation regarding finances and estate planning – information that every family should be aware of. Joseph ven der Buhs (Certified Financial Planner) and Emily Anderson (Lawyer at Linley Welwood LLP) will offer advice and support for families in this area. Q and A will follow their presentations and refreshments will be served. Join us for a night of fellowship as we learn how to set our families up for success.
Admission is free. Childcare is available – kindly rsvp if you require childcare. For more information, email us by clicking here. We hope to see you there!
Parent Prayer Group
Come and get a great start to this new year by praying the rosary with us for our school community at 8:30am every Thursday morning. Please note that we meet each week in the school Library. Small children and babies are welcome.
Open House at St. John Brebeuf
St. John Brebeuf High School’s Open House is Thursday, February 7th from 6:00-8:00pm. Come spend your evening exploring their campus, talking with staff and students and see what exceptional education within a Catholic setting looks like at the high school level. Application packages for the 2019-2020 school year are now available through the grade 7 teacher or SJB’s website. Application forms are due back to SJB by February 13, 2019. St. John Brebeuf High School is located at 2747 Townline Road, Abbotsford. For more information, please visit their website by clicking here, or call them at 605-855-0571.
ISO Someone With Small Engine Skills
We are looking for someone who has experience fixing and maintaining lawn mowers and yard equipment. If you, or a family member, has these skills please let us know as we are looking for this help with our mowers and yard equipment. Your expertise can be used to fulfill your 20 hour parent participation requirement. Family members can donate their expertise to your participation requirements as well. Please email Erika by clicking here for more information.
February Weather
The weather forecast is calling for cold temperatures and the possibility of snow for the next two weeks, and we know that for the Lower Mainland, February is often the month when this happens. So, just a reminder that if it is snowing in the morning, please check the school’s website for a school closure banner, as this will be posted by 6:00am. If there is no banner saying that the school is closed due to snow, that means that the school is open. The information will also be shared with Global news, so please check their information as well.
Help With Movie Night Needed - Friday, February 8th
Opportunities to help with Movie Night on Friday, February 8th are available. Daytime or evening shifts are available. Shifts count toward your one Fundraising requirement OR parent participation hours OR SJB students for community service. Sign ups will be open for parents until Wednesday, February 6th. If shifts are still available, they will be open for SJB students needing their community service hours.
Please click here to go to the signup sheet. For any questions, please contact Erika by clicking here.
West Coast Seeds Fundraiser
Complete orders with exact change or a cheque payable to St. James School are due into the school by February 13th! An order form was sent home to each family last week. You can also find printable order forms and their Special Fundraiser Catalogue on their website by clicking here. We’ve posted a link on our school Facebook page – please feel free to share with your family and friends! What an easy way to support our school!
Early Dismissal - February 6th
We will have our next early dismissal day on Wednesday, February 6th. Please send your child to school on February 6th with both a snack and lunch, and the students will be dismissed at 12:55pm. The Thunder Club will be available for parents who are unable to pick up their children at 12:55pm, and will be open until 5:00pm as usual. If you are planning to use the Thunder Club on February 6th, please make sure that you complete the registration package ahead of time, and you will be charged the morning drop-in rate. Those parents who typically have their children in the Thunder Club will not be charged any additional fees for this day.
Please note that our next monthly early dismissal day will be on Tuesday, March 5th. The students will be able to enjoy their Shrove Tuesday pancake lunch and then be dismissed at 12:55pm for the monthly staff meeting. This change was made due to the fact that the following day is Ash Wednesday. We will be celebrating Mass together and want the whole day to focus on this important day to begin our Lenten journey together.
The Sky's No Limit - Girls Fly Too!
On March 9th – 10th the Abbotsford International Airport will host the world’s largest event of its kind to inspire female future leaders in Aviation, Aerospace, Marine & Defence, as well as other high-tech STEM fields. Weather permitting, hundreds of free flights are provided to female first-time fliers of any age. Events are fun, hands-on and completely free to ensure there are no barriers to participation. Events are open to the public and everyone is welcome – no registration is required to attend. In attendance this year to share her inspirational story will be NASA astronaut Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper.
Community Coffee
The school will be hosting Community Coffee on Tuesday, February 5th at 8:30am in the school Library. This is a wonderful opportunity for community members from both the school and the parish to join together for some coffee, treats and great conversation. Bring your toddlers as well as there will be toys and colouring pages set out for those children who are not yet in school. We hope to see you there!
Work Bee - February 9th
The next Work Bee will take place on Saturday, February 9th from 9:00am to 2:00pm. While we can never be sure what the weather will be like, please be sure to dress for the conditions as there is always outside work that needs to be done. If you are scheduled to attend this Work Bee, or are planning to come to make up for a Work Bee that you have missed, we greatly appreciate your help.
Winter Movie Night Fundraiser: Friday, February 8th
Come and watch Ralph Breaks the Internet on our big 16×9 Movie Screen on Friday, February 8th in the school gym. Doors & Concession open at 5:30pm and the movie starts at 6:00pm.
$5 per person or $25 per family. An info package was sent home this past week with all the details, including how you could win the VIP couch seating area (raffle tickets included in package and on sale during recess and lunch all this coming week!)
For a move review from a Christian perspective, please click here. Please note the movie is rated G in Canada.
Thank you to our Sponsors: Jasmine Garden Seafood Restaurant, TPC 2000 Ventures Inc., & Westlynn Meats & Seafood!
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please click here for more information.
Early Dismissal – 12:55
January 8Hymn Sing
January 8Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 amGrade 5 Boys & Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 2:40 pm - 4:00 pm
Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 amGrade 5 Boys & Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 2:40 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 7 Boys & Girls – Little Cub Classic @ SJB
January 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 am