Care for Everyone in Our Common Home
Staying on the topic of a spiritual journey from last week, I spoke to the students this week in our school assembly about the idea of a labyrinth. In particular, I referenced the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France. which I had the privilege of walking in 2007. The labyrinth was designed to facilitate a spiritual walk and to offer pilgrims an alternative to walking all the way to Jerusalem or Rome (as those routes were quite dangerous in the 1200s). Unlike a maze, the idea of a Labyrinth is not to confuse a person or trick them. I shared some reflections with the students that I would like to share with you because I think it helps us on our own spiritual path and you can also reinforce the concepts at home with your children.
First, all journeys begin with a single step. God is already there waiting for us but we need to take that first step. As a school we reminded ourselves that Baptism is that first step. However, Baptism is not a singular event. We have a baptismal call that we need to respond to every day. So each day we need to take that step towards God.
Second, while walking in our faith we need to keep moving forward. In the labyrinth there are times when you think you are almost at the centre but then you are sent away to the outer edge of the labyrinth. This is similar to when we think God may be calling us in one direction but then it turns out we are called in a different direction. And during those times, we may feel that we are far from God. However, if we keep moving forward we begin to see that God had other and better plans for ourselves and that we were always moving closer to God all along.
Third, we are never alone on our journey. While walking the labyrinth, I shared the fact that there are others who were walking it too. Sure this means that we sometimes can get in each others way, but it also means that we have a great community of believers that can support us in our journey. We have a rich tradition of Saints who have showed us time and again how to live in this world. And, on the topic of not being alone, we reminded ourselves that God never abandons us.
I hope these three reflections I shared with your children at school can help them in their own faith journeys.
Student Led Conferences March 9 Sign Up
We are using an online tool to help with signing up for Student Led Conferences that are taking place on March 9th. Please click here to make a reservation.
Hospital Mass February 25
There is a hospital mass this Sunday, February 25, at Abbotsford’s Hospital. Please arrive at 3:45pm.
Morning Routine Reminders
A few reminders for parents:
- Drop Off and Pick Up: there is to be no passing of cars here because it presents a real danger to students. Do Not Pass.
- Kindergarten students are reminded that they go outside in the mornings (unless otherwise instructed by the Teacher on Duty) with the rest of the students. Parents are kindly asked to not linger outside of the classroom in the hallway. Parents who are helping with Outdoor Kindergarten can wait in the lobby on the benches. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Pink Shirt Day
In support of Anti-Bullying, many schools, government agencies, and workplaces, will wear Pink on Wednesday, February 28th. To show our support for Anti-Bullying, we will allow students to wear pink shirts or pink articles (ribbon, bracelet) that day instead of their regular uniform (pink or pinkish shirt and jeans is fine). Please be assured that St. James and St. Ann’s Elementary is Anti-Bullying every day of the year but on this one day we like to show our visual support of this Province wide initiative.
Hymn Sing
February 5Early Dismissal – 12:55
February 5Grade 6/7 Girls Practice – 7:45 am
February 6 @ 7:45 am - 8:30 amGrade 6/7 Girls Game @ St. James – 3:00pm
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Grade 6/7 Girls Practice – 7:45 am
February 6 @ 7:45 am - 8:30 amGrade 4/5 Boys Game @ King
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Game @ St. James – 3:00pm
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Shooting Practice – 12:15 pm
February 7 @ 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm