Care for Everyone in Our Common Home
I will admit that this week I struggled with what topic to write about. Whenever I am stuck, I tend to ask for help (sometimes in prayer and other times in asking someone else). This time I turned to Mrs. Dos Santos and asked for her input. Here is what she had to say:
“You should write about the Walkathon and how inclusive it was. How each student, no matter their physical ability, participated in the walkathon because they were supported and cared for.”
Mrs. Dos Santos is right. The Walkathon is a community building event that includes everyone. No one is ever excluded from our Walkathon and so it is a symbol of inclusiveness. All of our students walked and we had so many parents assisting in many ways to make the day a success. We had a crew cooking hot dogs and setting up tents. We had a crew walking with kids to assist with supervision. We had a crew that set up a snack and water station. I always enjoy the Walkathon because I find that I am able to connect and converse with parents. For students it is also a chance to connect. That connectivity and community is so important in the lives of our children. I want to thank everyone who helped make our Walkathon a success.
St. James & St. Ann's School - Education Committee Positions for 2018/19
It is a very rewarding experience to work together on the St. James & St. Ann’s Education Committee for the greater good and exciting future of our school. There will be four volunteer positions available for the St. James & St. Ann’s Education Committee starting July 1st for the 2018/19 & 2019/2020 school years (two positions to represent St. Ann’s Parish and two positions to represent St. James Parish). All of these positions are for one term (two years) with the potential to stay on for a maximum of four terms. More information on the Education Committee Nomination Process and the different roles within the Committee will be coming home via email on Monday, April 30th. Information will also be available at the school office. The deadline to put your name forth for nomination is Friday, May 11th at 3pm.
Job Posting
St. James and St. Ann’s Elementary School has two teaching positions it is trying to fill for the 2018-19 school year. The description of the postings are found on the CISVA website. Please click here to see the CISVA website with all the teaching jobs descriptions and spread the word to those who may be interested in applying.
Reading Link Champions
Our Reading Link Challenge Team comprised of 6 students from Grade 5 won the Regional Competition and are now moving onto the Grand Challenge (Provincials)! We are so proud of Vanessa, Pablo, Joshua, Amy, Audrey, and Tatiana! They are excellent ambassadors of our school!
Thank you to all of those who helped support our Walkathon 2018! Our fundraisers always involve a lot of coordination and organization from our PFA and on behalf of the school I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the parents of the Parent Fundraising Association for their time and dedication to our school.
Please be aware that May 4th is the deadline for bringing in the walkathon money.
Absentee Notes
In May, our school goes through a yearly audit and we must provide attendance records and have documentation in place for each absence. We ask for your cooperation in making sure our school does well in the audit by ensuring that you have completed Absentee Notes for your child if he or she missed school. Click here to fill out and Absentee Form. Contact Marilyn Dlugan at office@stjameselementary.ca if you are unsure if you are missing Absentee Notes for your child.
Dress for the Weather
With the remaining months of school we anticipate that we will have more hot days like we just had interspersed of course with rainy days. Please ensure that your children are wearing sunscreen on hot days and are bringing water bottles to school to stay hydrated. Hats and sunglasses are also encouraged for outdoor recess times.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found has many items in it. These items are often found on our playground or field after lunch as children often forget to bring in their sweaters or coats. Please label your child’s clothes and please check through the Lost and Found. After May 4th, the Lost and Found items will be donated to charity.
What About Me? Becoming the Parents Our Children Need
May 5th at 7:00 pm – St. Ann’s Parish
St. Ann’s Family Group invites you to a special parenting presentation. How do we grow in the face of caring for our children? Is there a reset button? Best-selling author and counsellor Deborah MacNamara, PhD, is here to answer these questions and more. Deborah teaches on the relational-developmental approach of Dr. Gordon Neufeld. Last year’s presentation was very popular – mark your calendars!
Admission is by donation ($5 recommended) and childminding is available for children ages 3 and up. Please RSVP if you require childcare to stannsfamilygroup@gmail.com.
Hymn Sing
February 5Early Dismissal – 12:55
February 5Grade 6/7 Girls Practice – 7:45 am
February 6 @ 7:45 am - 8:30 amGrade 6/7 Girls Game @ St. James – 3:00pm
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Grade 6/7 Girls Practice – 7:45 am
February 6 @ 7:45 am - 8:30 amGrade 4/5 Boys Game @ King
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Game @ St. James – 3:00pm
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Shooting Practice – 12:15 pm
February 7 @ 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm