Thunder News Flash – March 1st, 2025

February 28, 2025
  • The Kindness Challenge

    Kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  Spread Kindness Everyday!
    Our Grade 1/2 class led a beautiful assembly on Pink Shirt Day!  During the assembly, the students reviewed the definition of bullying, as this can be a term that is used widely, but often misunderstood.  The students learned the acronym “BOO” to remember that bullying is “Being mean, On purpose, Over time.”   There is a great video on Bullying that you can watch with your children at home, just follow this link –
    Students were reminded that Bullying is an unacceptable behaviour, and were encouraged to speak with a teacher right away if they need help.  Be a Buddy, Not a Bully!
    Our Grade 1/2 class then spread the message about the importance of being kind to one another.   God call us to Love one Another!  We are challenged to be kind to others, not just on Pink Shirt Day, but everyday!  We are extending the Kindness Challenge to all of our families!  Follow this link for a copy of a Kindness challenge that you can do with your children at home  Kid_s Kindness Challenge #6

    Kindness in important, every minute, every day.

    We show kindness with our smiles, how we act and what we say.

    We can help, we can share, we can do an extra chore.

    We can spread seeds of kindness, and soon there will be more!

     “A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” Saint Francis of Assisi.

  • Shrove Tuesday

    Why are pancakes eaten on Shrove Tuesday?
    Traditionally during Lent, Christians would give up rich, tasty foods such as butter, eggs, sugar and fat (some Christians continue to do so, in fact).  Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat them – and what better way to do so than with a delicious pancake! 
    We will be sharing a light pancake breakfast at school on Tuesday, March 4th.  Pancakes will brought to each classroom for students to enjoy!  Please let your child’s classroom teacher know if you do not wish them to have pancakes due to food allergies / sensitivities.  If your child cannot eat pancakes, you may wish to pack an extra snack so they can participate in the fun of pancake day with their own special snack.  A huge thank you to John Calzavara at SJB for volunteering to make the pancakes!!
  • Ash Wednesday

    Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.  It is the beginning of a season of repentance, fasting, and awaiting Christ’s Resurrection.   Lent gives your family an entire forty day season to remember Jesus is best!  We fill our busy lives with candy, toys, sports, extra curricular activities, video games, television–you name it.  During Lent, we remember the happiness we find in those things is temporary.  Jesus says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). Every toy your child has will one day lie in a junk yard.  The treasure of this earth makes us happy, but that happiness is temporary.  During Lent we stop filling our lives with temporary happiness and make more room for Jesus.

    We will be celebrating Ash Wednesday, March 5 with Mass at 9am.  We invite and welcome you to join us!  

    Please remember that this is not an Early Dismissal day – we will be having a full school day.  

  • Grade 2 - First Reconciliation

    Congratulations to our very special Grade 2 students who celebrated the sacrament of First Reconciliation on Friday, Feb. 28.  May God Bless them!   Below is a special prayer for parents!

    “Loving God, help me to teach my child that You love us totally and unconditionally. Help me to encourage my child to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that You always forgive. Give me the courage to pray with my child and to share my faith as we journey together. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  • Movie Night! Thank YOU!

    A very special THANK YOU to all our parents who helped with Movie Night!  It is a lovely way to spend time as a family and to support our school.  It takes a lot of work behind the scenes to organize and host movie night.  Our sincere thanks to all involved!

  • Work Bee - March 8th

    The March Work Bee will take place at the school next Saturday, March 8th, from 9am-2pm.  You may want to bring gloves for outside work. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could bring any small gardening tools, particularly a rake.  Please also bring a lunch for the mid-day break.  Thank you once again for all of your hard work to keep our school well maintained and beautiful!  

    All remaining Work Bee dates for this year have been uploaded to the School Calendar. 

  • Hip Hop

    Please keep March 14th open.  We will have our School-wide Hip Hop performance in the afternoon.  Please join us to watch this entertaining presentation.

  • Uniform Consignment

    There will be a uniform consignment sale before spring break on Friday, March 14 2025 from 1-3 PM.   This is a great opportunity to donate uniforms that no longer fit your child or to buy uniform pieces at a great price!  Donations can be left at the school office.  The sale will take place in the front hallway of the school.  

  • upcoming-events

  • Sports
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!