Thunder News Flash – March 21, 2020

March 20, 2020
  • Update on COVID-19

    Just in case you did not receive the two emails that were sent to parents last week regarding school closures following Spring Break, please click here to read the information from the Ministry of Education, and click here to read the letter from our Superintendent, Deacon Henk Luyten.  You can also click here to see the latest joint update from Dr. Bonnie Henry, our Provincial Health Officer, and Adrian Dix, our Minister of Health.

    These are definitely uncertain times for all of us right now, and our priority needs to remain on ensuring that we are safe and healthy.  Staying home, or practising social distancing when we go out, will benefit all of us in the coming months.  But more importantly, let’s focus on our faith in a loving and merciful God, and trust in his plan for all of us.

    “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”  Luke 22:42

  • Cancellation of a Number of Activities

    Due to the closure of schools after Spring Break, a number of activities or events will be cancelled until further notice:

    • Parent Prayer Group
    • Community Coffee
    • Hospital Masses
    • Hot Lunch – the remaining two lunches on the last order form will hopefully be carried over once school resumes
    • all school sports, clubs, field trips and any special events that were scheduled to take place

    The school calendar on the website has been updated, removing all of these events for the month of April, for now.  Once we receive further direction as to the length of school closures we will look at May and June.

  • Teaching Opportunities for 2020-2021

    As you are aware, Mrs. Di Palma will soon be going on maternity leave, so there is a full-time maternity leave position available in Kindergarten beginning in May and extending for the complete 2020-2021 school year.  We have also posted a 60% P.E. position, as all of Mrs. Wakely’s teaching time will be in the classroom next year.  If you are interested in working is this dynamic, faith-based community, or if you know someone who would be a great fit for our school, please see the full job postings on the CISVA website by clicking here and then scrolling down the list to find our school.

  • upcoming-events

  • There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Sports
    There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!