I Can Do All Things Through Christ
Our focus for the month of November, related to our school theme, is to be respectful. The dictionary defines being “respectful” as showing a deep admiration for someone or something based on their abilities, qualities or achievement. We need to be cautious about this broad definition, as it can lead us to believe that those who are wealthy, powerful or famous deserve our respect, while those who are poor, weak or unknown do not. As Catholics we are called to go beyond this and show a respect for all life – from conception to its natural end. While we focus on showing respect this month, we will pay particular attention to veterans and seniors. Each group has given so much to all of us, and to make our country the wonderful place that it is, that they definitely deserve our respect.
Early Dismissal Day - November 6th
Please note that we will have our next Early Dismissal Day on Wednesday, November 6th for our staff meeting. The students will be dismissed at 12:55pm. Students should bring a snack and lunch with them to school that day. The Thunder Club is available for those parents who are unable to pick up their children at 12:55pm, and if your children are picked up by 2:30pm the charge will be the same as the morning drop in rate.
Attention Sts. Joachim and Ann Parishioners: We need you!
The Regional Education Committee (REC) of St. James & St. Ann’s Elementary School has been restructured to include 2 members from each of the four regional parish communities. We still need 2 parishioners from Sts. Joachim and Ann to represent their parish community and complete our new REC. If you believe in a Catholic education for our children, please consider taking on this important role. Any registered parishioner is eligible to serve – you do not need to be a current school family to participate in this committee. For school families, the REC fulfills your Parent Participation Program requirements. If you are interested, or know of a family that might be a good fit, please contact Chris by clicking here for more information and eligibility requirements.
Thank you from the St. James & St. Ann’s Elementary School REC
3-Way Conferences
On Monday, October 28th an email was sent out to all school families with the information needed to book your child’s 3-Way Conference. If you haven’t already booked your conference, please do so as soon as possible as the spaces are filling up quickly. Just a reminder that the 3-Way Conferences will take place from 11:00am – 8:00pm on Thursday, November 7th, and will be an opportunity for the teacher, parent and child to meet together to set some goals in a variety of areas. These goals might be related to the learning behaviours that were just reported on, or they could be academic goals if there are areas of challenge. There is no school that day, and students should come to their 3-Way Conference dressed in their school uniform.
Please note that there will be no formal babysitting during the Conferences. We will put a desk and a few chairs outside of each classroom, and we will provide crayons and colouring pages for St. James’ students who are waiting during a sibling’s conference. Students may also want to bring with them a book to read or some homework to do. As there will be no adult supervision in the hallways, please no toddlers!
School Closures in November
This is just a reminder that the school will be closed on the following days:
- November 8th – no school
- November 11th – Remembrance Day
- November 22nd – Professional Development Day
Lost and Found
Once again our Lost and Found bin is overflowing! Items will be put out on display during the 3-Way Conferences for students and parents to look through to collect their misplaced items. Items that are left after November 7th will be donated.
Community Coffee
Our first Monday Community Coffee for this school year will take place in the gym on November 4th from 8:30 – 9:00am. Please note that the dates for Community Coffee right to the end of the school year have been posted on the website calendar. We hope to see you there!
Halloween Candy for NightShift
Once again we will be accepting extra Halloween candy for NightShift from November 4th – 6th at the school. The candy and chocolate is handed out to the homeless in Surrey who are serviced by the NightShift volunteers.
Parent Participation Information
Most Parent Participation (PP) Task Groups are in full swing by now, and each school family should be well on their way to accumulating at least 10 of their 20 PP task group hours before the end of January (not including their fundraiser commitment).
Please remember it is up to each family to log these hours as soon as they are done on the school’s PP portal to receive credit. No hours recorded = no hours credited = PP cheques cashed. The link to the PP portal can be found at the end of this newsletter or on the school’s website. If you are unsure of your login/password information, please email Marilyn by clicking here.
The Regional Education Committee would just like to remind all school families that parent participation task group and fundraiser helpers must be at least 16 years of age to be able to earn hours for the purposes of Parent Participation. Children who are under the age of 16 are not eligible to earn hours for Parent Participation.
If you are still unsure of which task group you are with or have any questions, please contact the Parent Participation Administrator by clicking here as soon as possible.
Parent Information Regarding Vaping
With the concerns that have recently been in the media regarding vaping, and the number of young people who seem to be drawn to this, it is important for parents to be informed regarding the consequences of vaping. To learn more so that you can have good conversations with your children, please click here to arm yourselves with the latest information.
SJB Little Cub Basketball Classic – Gr. 7
January 10Grade 7 Boys & Girls – Little Cub Classic @ SJB
January 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pmWork Bee
January 11 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 am
Grade 7 Boys & Girls – Little Cub Classic @ SJB
January 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 amGrade 6/7 Girls Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 2:40 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 5 Boys & Girls Basketball Practice
January 14 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 am