Thunder News Flash – November 9, 2019

November 07, 2019
  • Morning Mass at St. James Church

    We encourage parents and school children to attend the morning Masses at St. James Church, when they can, as a family.  The weekday morning Masses have been shortened so that the students who attend will not be late for school.  What a wonderful opportunity to spend the morning in prayer together as a family.

  • Attention Sts. Joachim and Ann Parishioners: We need you!

    The Regional Education Committee (REC) of St. James & St. Ann’s Elementary School has been restructured to include 2 members from each of the four regional parish communities.  We still need 2 parishioners from Sts. Joachim and Ann to represent their parish community and complete our new REC.  If you believe in a Catholic education for our children, please consider taking on this important role.  Any registered parishioner is eligible to serve – you do not need to be a current school family to participate in this committee.  For school families, the REC fulfills your Parent Participation Program requirements.  If you are interested, or know of a family that might be a good fit, please contact Chris by clicking here for more information and eligibility requirements.

    Thank you from the St. James & St. Ann’s Elementary School REC

  • School Closures in November

    This is just a reminder that the school will be closed on the following days:

    • November 11th – Remembrance Day
    • November 22nd – Professional Development Day
  • Community Coffee

    Our first Monday Community Coffee for this school year took place in the gym on November 4th and was very well attended!  We look forward to seeing parents and their toddlers at Community Coffee in the future.  Please note that due to the school schedule there are some Mondays when there will be no Community Coffee, so the dates for Community Coffee right to the end of the school year have been posted on the website calendar.  Our next Community Coffee will take place on November 25th and we hope to see you there!

  • Parent Information Regarding Vaping

    With the concerns that have recently been in the media regarding vaping, and the number of young people who seem to be drawn to this, it is important for parents to be informed regarding the consequences of vaping.  To learn more so that you can have good conversations with your children, please click here to arm yourselves with the latest information.

  • Work Bee - November 16th

    The next Work Bee will take place at the school on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00am – 2:00pm.  We are hoping for good weather so that some work can take place outdoors.  Please bring any cordless tools that you have to help with collecting the leaves around the school.  Your hard work is much appreciated!

  • Shopfunds Gift Card Program

    We will once again be participating in the Shopfunds Gift Card program.  Please watch for a letter to come home with the oldest child in each family on Thursday, November 14th. 

  • Thunderwear Delay

    Due to unforeseen circumstances the Thunderwear orders are delayed.  We hope to have them distributed to all families in time for November 28th’s Thunderwear Thursday.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • upcoming-events

  • There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Sports
    There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!