Thunder News Flash – November 16, 2019

November 15, 2019
  • Yarn for Grade 7

    The Grade 7 class will once again be knitting toques for the migrant workers in Abbotsford; however, they are in need of donations of yarn to be able to make this happen.  Please check your cupboards at home to see if you have any balls of yarn that you no longer plan to use, or consider buying a ball of yarn to donate if you are out shopping.  Donations will be accepted from November 18th – 29th, and can be brought directly to the Grade 7 classroom or dropped off at the school office.  Please support this very worthy cause and help the Grade 7s put their faith into action.  

  • Professional Day on November 22nd

    This is just a reminder that the school will be closed on November 22nd for a Professional Development Day for the staff.  There is no school for students and there will be no Thunder Club that day.

  • Community Coffee

    Our next Community Coffee will take place on Monday, November 25th in the school gym.  We hope to see you there!

  • Parent Information Regarding Vaping

    With the concerns that have recently been in the media regarding vaping, and the number of young people who seem to be drawn to this, it is important for parents to be informed regarding the consequences of vaping.  To learn more so that you can have good conversations with your children, please click here to arm yourselves with the latest information.

  • Work Bee - November 16th

    The next Work Bee will take place at the school today, Saturday, November 16th from 9:00am – 2:00pm.  Please bring any cordless tools that you have to help with collecting the leaves around the school.  Your hard work is much appreciated!

  • Shopfunds Gift Card Program

    By now your child should have brought home a letter explaining the Shopfunds Gift Card Program, and the order form.  Please consider supporting the school by ordering gift cards through this program – they make wonderful Christmas presents for family and friends, and can also be bought to make your regular purchases for things like groceries or gas. Order forms with payment are due back to the school on Thursday, November 21st.

  • Free Ski Pass

    In an effort to encourage outdoor activities, Sasquatch Mountain is providing every child in our school from Grade 1 – 7 with a free lift pass to use for the upcoming ski season.  Passes will be sent home with the students next week, so please check your child’s backpack to ensure that you receive this wonderful gift.

  • Hospital Mass - November 24th

    The monthly Hospital Mass will take place on Sunday, November 24th at 4:00pm at the Sacred Space in the Abbotsford Hospital.  Any students wishing to read, please meet Mrs. Wakely at 3:45 at the Sacred Space.  This is a wonderful outreach opportunity for our students and their families.

  • upcoming-events

  • There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Sports
    There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Parent Participation Program

    Thank you for your support!