What do you want of me, Lord?
On Wednesday the students and staff participated in the Living Rosary led by our Grade 2 and 7 classes. The students began by giving a brief history of the Rosary and then we prayed the Glorious Mysteries together. What does the Lord want of us? He certainly wants us to pray more often, and what a wonderful opportunity to share such a beautiful form of prayer as a school community, focussing on the liturgical calendar. As Pope Francis says “the key that opens the door to the faith is prayer.”
Parent Participation
Most, if not all, Parent Participation (PP) Task Groups are now in full swing. Each school family should be well on their way to accumulating at least 10 of their 20 PP Task Group hours before the end of January (not including their fundraiser commitment).
Please remember it is up to each family to log these hours, as soon as they are done, on the school’s website to receive credit. No hours recorded = no hours credited = PP cheques cashed on January 31st. If you do not know your login information, please email Mrs. Dlugan by clicking here.
The Education Committee would like to remind all school families that Parent Participation Task Group and fundraiser helpers must be at least 16 years of age to be able to earn hours for the purposes of Parent Participation. Children who are under the age of 16 are not eligible to earn hours for Parent Participation.
If you have any questions, please email Erika as soon as possible by clicking here.
Carpool Request
A school family who has recently moved to Aldergrove is in need of help bringing their daughter home from school mostly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. They live at 28th Ave. just behind the Aldergrove Safeway, and are willing to pay for gas. If you think you might be able to help, please call the school office and we will connect you with this family.
Parent Prayer Group
Come and pray the rosary with us for our school community at 8:30am every Thursday morning in the Children’s room at St. James Church. Please enter the Church quietly as Mass will still be going on when we start. Small children and babies are welcome.
Chess Club
We are happy to announce that the Chess Club will be starting on Friday, October 26th, sponsored by Mr. Yang. This club will be open to students in Grades 4 – 7 who have some knowledge of how to play chess. Students should bring their lunch to the “French Room” after prayer at approximately 12:05pm and they will play while they eat until 12:40pm. The club will continue each Friday that school is in session until May when there will be a final tournament. In June the Chess Club will be open to all students who would like to learn how to play chess.
On October 31st the Leadership Team is encouraging students to come to school dressed for Halloween; however, they would like to remind all students that costumes may not include masks, weapons of any kind, or blood/gore. In the morning there will be a parade of costumes in the gym, and the costumes in each grade will be judged in the following categories:
- best faith-based costume
- most creative costume
- best homemade costume
There will be a sock hop at recess for the primary students, and one at lunch for the intermediate students, and we will end our day in the gym watching Hotel Transylvania. After Halloween, students and parents are encouraged to sort through the candy that they have collected, and donate the extras to Night Shift. We will be collecting this extra candy at the school from November 5th – 8th in each classroom.
Hospital Mass
The monthly Hospital Mass will take place on Sunday, October 28th at 4:00pm at the Sacred Space in the Abbotsford Hospital. Any students wishing to read, please meet Mrs. Wakely at 3:45 at the Sacred Space. This is a wonderful outreach opportunity for our students and their families.
Grade 5 Volleyball
As the soccer season winds up this week with the tournament on Tuesday, volleyball for the Grade 5 boys and girls will soon be starting. Please watch for a sports contract coming home this week, and as soon as the contract is ready it will be posted on the website – click on the Parents’ tab and scroll down to “forms”.
Fall Movie Night Fundraiser: Friday, October 26
Come and watch Incredibles 2 on our big 16×9 Movie Screen on Friday, October 26th in the school gym. Doors & Concession open at 5:30pm and the movie starts at 6:00pm.
$5 per person or $25 per family. An info package was sent home on Thursday with all the details, including how you could win the VIP couch seating area!
For a movie review from a Christian perspective, please click here.
Thank you to our Sponsors: TPC 2000 Ventures Inc. & Westlynn Meats & Seafood!
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please click here for more info.
Early Dismissal – 12:55
January 8Hymn Sing
January 8Grade 7 Shooting Practice
January 8 @ 12:15 pm - 12:45 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 am
Grade 7 Shooting Practice
January 8 @ 12:15 pm - 12:45 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 amGrade 5 Boys & Girls Basketball Practice
January 9 @ 2:40 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 7 Boys & Girls – Little Cub Classic @ SJB
January 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pm