Welcome Back!
We were so happy to welcome students back to school on either Thursday, September 10th or Friday, September 11th. While we stayed in touch virtually during the Spring, it is just not the same as having the students physically present at school. Even though things are different, and there are many new routines and rules to follow, being able to connect with the students is worth the hours spent planning and organizing for their return. Next week we are back at school full-time, and look forward to many new learning adventures with your children.
Thunderwear order forms will be sent home on Monday, September 14th. Please check your child’s backpack for the order form, as completed order forms, with payment, must be returned by 9:00am on Friday, September 18th. There is a very short turn around time for orders as we want to ensure that students will have their Thunderwear for P.E. by mid-October. Please note that order forms will be emailed to families whose children are not yet back at school on Monday, September 14th.
Students Arriving Late at School
As you are aware, classes are assigned to different doors to enter and exit the school. In the morning when students are dropped off during our “soft start” from 8:00am – 8:30am they go directly to their entrance door, and then straight to their classroom. However, if your children arrive after 8:30am they must come to the main door of the school, be buzzed inside, and then receive a late slip from the office before going to their classroom. When you are dropping your children off at school, if they arrive after 8:30am please remind them to go to the main doors of the school.
Missing Textbooks
We are still missing a number of books that students borrowed in the Spring for their remote learning time. Specifically there are a number of the Grade 4 Nelson Literacy books that were not returned. If your children are in Grade 5 this year, please look around your home to see if you can find these books. They are softcover and look very much like a workbook, so very easy to confuse as a consumable like the Religion workbook or the Jump Math workbook. If you find them, please return them to school as soon as possible.
Drop Off/Pick Up Lanes
Considering that we have introduced brand new procedures and locations for our student drop off and pick up, except for a few little glitches, things went relatively smoothly. On Monday when we have both lanes going in the morning and afternoon it will be crucial for everyone to be patient, and follow the direction of the supervisors. Most important, there is to be absolutely no passing of vehicles that are waiting in either lane. This is for the safety of everyone.
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your children are coming to school each day with a full water bottle that they are able to refill when needed. Due to COVID-19 our water fountains have been closed, but the water bottle filling station is still available for students to use. Having enough water to drink is extremely important on hot days like we had last week, and are forecast again for the end of next week.
Class Social Contact Lists
Each year the school helps parents by creating a Social Contact List for each grade. These lists can be used by parents to help their children stay connected with their friends. Next week parents in each grade will be sent a link to a survey to add your contact information if you would like to be on this list. You can include as much information as the survey asks, as little as you would like to have included, or you do not have to participate at all – the choice is yours. Please watch for the email to come home with the survey link, and please submit your information by the deadline in the email.
School Individual Photos
On Friday, September 18th we will be having our school individual photos. Please note that our photography company, Lifetouch, has very strict health and safety protocols they will put in place including strict cleaning procedures, the photographers will wear masks, they will have an electronic check in procedure for students, and they will follow strict physical distancing requirements. After picture day, parents may order pictures online using the information found on your Picture Day order form. School sweaters should be worn for these photos, but may be removed after the photo is taken as it is forecast to be quite a warm day.
Virtual Meet the Teacher Night
On Wednesday, September 16th we will be having a virtual Meet the Teacher Night. Here are the important details that you need to be aware of:
- on Monday, September 14th teachers will send home a Meet the Teacher Night handout regarding their grade or specialty subject
- on Wednesday, September 16th a recorded “general session” will be posted on YouTube, and the link will be sent to parents that morning. This will provide parents with some general information about the school and the school year, how we will implement the school year theme, our school’s goals, etc.
- on Wednesday, September 16th the Classroom Teachers will host two virtual meetings for parents to be able to ask questions and learn more about that grade. The first session will be from 6:00pm – 6:20pm and the second session will be from 6:30 – 6:50pm. Parents only attend one of the sessions, and if nobody attends the session in the first ten minutes, then the session will be ended. The links to these sessions will be included in each Classroom Teacher’s Meet the Teacher Night handout
This evening will mirror what we usually do when we are able to have an “in person” Meet the Teacher Night, with two back to back sessions where you are able to hear about your child’s grade and ask questions of the teacher. Just like when we are all together, if you have two children you can go to the first session of one teacher and the second session of the other teacher. If you have more than two children, just like in the past parents often split the job and one parent will attend the sessions of two teachers and the other parent will attend the sessions of the other teacher or teachers. We hope that you will all be able to join us for this important virtual evening.
Daily Health Check
Just a reminder that every day parents must complete a daily health check of their children before they come to school. You can use the Family Check-In Questionnaire as a guide to assess how your children are feeling and if they are well enough to come to school. This is a crucial part of our return to school plan, and keeping all of us safe and healthy.
SJB Little Cub Basketball Classic – Gr. 7
January 10Grade 7 Boys & Girls – Little Cub Classic @ SJB
January 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pmWork Bee
January 11 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 am
Grade 7 Boys & Girls – Little Cub Classic @ SJB
January 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 amGrade 6/7 Girls Basketball Practice
January 13 @ 2:40 pm - 4:00 pmGrade 5 Boys & Girls Basketball Practice
January 14 @ 7:45 am - 8:20 am