What do you want of me, Lord?
At this week’s assembly we began to unpack the virtue of Faith and discussed the different ways that we express our faith in a Catholic school. Working and learning in a Catholic school is a wonderful experience, but we must also remember to show our faith when we are outside these walls. Do we say grace when we go out for dinner at a restaurant? Do we whisper this prayer of thanksgiving quietly under our breath, or do we make the sign of the cross and speak confidently? What would we say if we are wearing a crucifix and a non-Catholic friend asks us what we have around our neck? We are so lucky to work and learn in a Catholic environment, that sometimes the practice of our faith becomes something that we take for granted. We must be grateful for this opportunity, and the students should remember to thank their parents for the sacrifices they make to send them to a Catholic school.
Comfort Kits/Id. Tags
The Comfort Kits and Identification Tags were due back at the school on September 14th. If you haven’t returned these yet, please make sure that you return them by Monday, September 17th at the latest, as the Comfort Kits will be moved out to our shipping container on Tuesday, September 18th.
Carpool Request
A family that lives near the Aldergrove/Abbotsford boundary is looking for a carpool 1-2 weeks per month. The parent’s work schedule has changed and they are now working two weeks of mornings and one week of afternoon shifts on a rotation. They are looking to find a family that is willing to pick up their two children (grades 4 and 7) after school and drop them off at their home on the weeks that they work in the afternoon, and they are willing to pay for this. If you are able to help, please call the school at 604-852-1788 and we will connect you with this family in need of help.
After School Activities
Once permission slips go home for clubs or sports teams, they should already be considered “out-of-date” as any changes that may need to take place regarding the dates or times of events cannot be updated on these forms. Please check the school’s website regularly for the most up-to-date information about the times and locations of sporting events and club meetings, as the website is updated as information is provided.
September Work Bee
The September Work Bee is taking place today, September 15th from 9:00am to 2:00pm. If you have been assigned to work at this Work Bee, please make every effort to attend as your assistance is greatly needed. If you were scheduled to attend a Work Bee over the summer months and you were not able to attend, please do your best to make up this time at one of the Work Bees in the next few months – all the dates are listed on the school website calendar.
Dress for the Weather
It seems like we went from blazing hot summer weather, to cold, rainy, fall weather in the blink of an eye. Please send your children to school dressed appropriately for these cooler, wet days with a good jacket with a hood. Please do not send your children to school with an umbrella as I’m sure you can appreciate that these can be quite a problem when children are out on the field, or lined up waiting to go inside.
Drop Off/Pick Up Lane
Things continue to go quite well in the Drop Off/Pick Up Lane, and this week only a few reminders are needed:
- If you are using the Drop Off lane in the morning, parents should not have to get out of the car to help their children as this takes quite a bit of additional time. If your child needs assistance to get their backpack, unbuckle their seatbelt, etc. please park in the parking lot instead.
- When your children exit the car in the morning, if possible they should be exiting through the driver’s side back door so that they exit right onto the grass or concrete and are safely on school property. If they must exit through the passenger’s side of the vehicle, they should cross the lane behind your vehicle as that is the safest. Several times this week I have noticed children hesitate, and parents start to pull away, only to then have the children start to walk in front of their own vehicle. Walking behind their own vehicle is a safer option.
Morning Routines
When you bring your children into the school in the morning, we ask that you would say good-bye, give hugs and kisses in the foyer, and then have your children walk down the hallway to the playground on their own. This helps the younger students to build a sense of independence, which is so important for their self-determination skills. We also ask that you do not accompany your children out onto the playground, as the supervisors don’t always know all of the parents, and when they have to go over to investigate who is on the playground it takes them away from their supervisory duties.
Beloved Marriage Course
St. Ann’s Family Group invites you to join us for “Wine and Cheese with your Beloved” this fall at St. Ann’s Parish. We will be watching the Beloved: Living Marriage series. It will run for three Friday sessions, once a month: September 21st, October 19th and November 16th. Our final night will include dinner. Cost: $15/person (includes all 3 sessions). Time: 6:45pm (doors open); 7:00 – 9:00pm (course). Address: 33333 Mayfair Avenue, Abbotsford. Childcare may be provided if there is a need. Please let us know. For more information and to register, click here.
Hospital Mass
The monthly Hospital Mass will take place on Sunday, September 23rd at 4:00pm at the Sacred Space in the Abbotsford Hospital. Any students wishing to read, please meet Mrs. Wakely at 3:45 at the Sacred Space. This is a wonderful outreach opportunity for our students and their families.
Fun Night
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our school at Fun Night last night! What a great way to start off the 2018-19 school year. The event was a huge success and the rain that was expected did not materialize, so it was a super evening!
It takes a lot of help and support to put on our Fun Night carnival-style fundraiser and the Parent Fundraising Association (PFA) team would like to thank the following:
- Maria Reynolds, Arbonne Consultant: http://MariaReynolds.Arbonne.com
- Towne Millwork Ltd.: www.townemillwork.ca
- Westlynn Meants: http://westlynnmeatsandseafood.com/
- YMS – Your Mortgage Source: www.YmsCanada.ca
- Abbotsford Police Department
- Ambulance Paramedics of BC
- Costco
- Deanna Maddalozzo
- Esposito Group
- Janice Wolfe (Kellogg’s)
- Knights of Columbus – St. Ann’s Parish
- Knights of Columbus – St. James Parish
- Laflamme Family
- MacDonald Family
- Van Noort Family
- and many anonymous donors
A big thank you also goes out to all the families who attended as well as the staff, parents and students who shared of their time to help make Fun Night a success.
Working together as a community, using our gifts of time, talent and treasure, we can reach our fundraising goal for this year. Every dollar adds up and it all benefits the students of St. James & St. Ann’s. Thank you for your support of our great school.
Grade 6/7 Girls Practice – 7:45 am
February 6 @ 7:45 am - 8:30 amGrade 6/7 Girls Game @ St. James – 3:00pm
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 4/5 Boys Game @ King
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Shooting Practice – 12:15 pm
February 7 @ 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Grade 6/7 Girls Practice – 7:45 am
February 6 @ 7:45 am - 8:30 amGrade 4/5 Boys Game @ King
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Girls Game @ St. James – 3:00pm
February 6 @ 3:00 pm - 3:30 pmGrade 6/7 Boys Shooting Practice – 12:15 pm
February 7 @ 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm